The second drawing was not intended to resemble anything however it evolved into a fairly obvious form by th e end. I was standing infront of a vase of hydrangeas and started the drawing just using a quick motion inspired by the shape of the individual leaf petals. As I worked on this it seemed to make sense to include representations of what else I was seeing, a porch railing and a deck floor. While not really a unified field drawing, I am still including it here since the evolution of this was an interesting experience.
The third drawing was done with ink and then finished with water color to seperate the main components of the picture. I have only worked with ink one other time but enjoyed it very much. After I was done with the lines I splattered my brush over different areas and was pleased with the overall effect it had and how it tied everything together.
This last drawing was done with ink as well and was fun to create but I do not like the end result. I actually drew it with the page horizontal but thought it was more interesting when I turned it vertical.
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